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Welcome to Unicorn Productions, books for adults with a youthful mind. In here you shall find stories of all kinds – fantasy, science-fiction, historical, contemporary, funny, dramatic, whatever strikes the fancy of The Writer who writes pretty much what she wants to read. And since she's also a wannabe artist, you will find also comics, graphic novels and strips in here. Or series – mostly of standalone books. Feel free to explore and welcome to the crazy world of a creative barbwire!



Benvenuti a Unicorn Productions, libri per adulti col cuore giovane. Qui troverete storie di tutti i tipi – fantasy, fantascienza, storici, contemporanei, divertenti, drammatici, qualunque cosa colpisca la fantasia della Scrittrice, che scrive grosso modo ciò che vorrebbe leggere. E dato che ha anche aspirazioni artistiche, troverete anche fumetti, strip e graphic novel. O serie – soprattutto di libri che possono essere letti in maniera indipendente. Siete liberi di esplorare e benvenuti nel pazzo mondo di una barbara mente creativa.

Notizie e nuove uscite in italiano



Cover reveal – the last five covers

Four covers to end the publishing challenge, but since the fifth is in the same series and will come out ...

Cover Reveal – the next four titles

Happy New Year! Here are the covers of the next four titles of the publishing challenge. One is already out, ...

Cover Reveal

And we’re resuming publication, at least one new title a month for the next twelve months! Extras might be Italian ...

More publishing news

New titles are coming up starting in September, one a month for twelve months, or possibly more. The current schedule ...