Welcome to Unicorn Productions, books for adults with a youthful mind. In here you shall find stories of all kinds – fantasy, science-fiction, historical, contemporary, funny, dramatic, whatever strikes the fancy of The Writer who writes pretty much what she wants to read. And since she's also a wannabe artist, you will find also comics, graphic novels and strips in here. Or series – mostly of standalone books. Feel free to explore and welcome to the crazy world of a creative barbwire!
Benvenuti a Unicorn Productions, libri per adulti col cuore giovane. Qui troverete storie di tutti i tipi – fantasy, fantascienza, storici, contemporanei, divertenti, drammatici, qualunque cosa colpisca la fantasia della Scrittrice, che scrive grosso modo ciò che vorrebbe leggere. E dato che ha anche aspirazioni artistiche, troverete anche fumetti, strip e graphic novel. O serie – soprattutto di libri che possono essere letti in maniera indipendente. Siete liberi di esplorare e benvenuti nel pazzo mondo di una barbara mente creativa.
Notizie e nuove uscite in italiano
New year schedule – first six months
New Year Publications
2024 – the Year in Review
Publishing News
The natural attraction between half-bloods of Light and half-bloods of Darkness can do wonders. Beau, half-blood of Light, challenged Waltrand to a magic duel and…
A collection of the short mini-series about the Galactic League, including the crossover with the Star Minds Universe. In this book: “Space Exploration Corps” The…
Brandonnon and Keithannan, two persons, one body. Brandonnon hacked into the City’s forbidden archive, only scratching the surface of the truth. A gripping journey of…
One century after the first interstellar starship left the Sol System to find habitable exoplanets, the Terran League has expanded, but its starships are still…