New year schedule – first six months
Here’s the schedule for the first six months of the year. Immortaland Chronicles is part of the high fantasy series Immortaland where you can see…
New Year Publications
Happy New Year! We’re starting off with a Make 100 SFF Stories Kickstarter! This is kind of a recap of the past 14 years, plus…
2024 – the Year in Review
Here’s a summary of this year’s publications: Thirteen new titles despite the “unproductive” year (less than 300K written). Most are available in ebook and paperback…
Publishing News
Since the author’s blog is now closed, here’s what’s coming next this year. Before Christmas all these books will be out and ready to purchase…
Cover reveal – the last five covers
Four covers to end the publishing challenge, but since the fifth is in the same series and will come out the following month, here they…
Cover Reveal – the next four titles
Happy New Year! Here are the covers of the next four titles of the publishing challenge. One is already out, since it’s the January title,…
Cover Reveal
And we’re resuming publication, at least one new title a month for the next twelve months! Extras might be Italian titles or a Kickstarter, but…

More publishing news
New titles are coming up starting in September, one a month for twelve months, or possibly more. The current schedule is slow, but it’s a…

Publishing News
You may have noticed a lack of new titles… I’m afraid the lack will last for about a year. Publication will resume in October 2023.…

Announcing brand new high fantasy series
Welcome to Immortaland, the kingdom of the Immortals of Light and the Immortals of Darkness. And dragons. When a human fleet shipwrecks on its coast…